8315 E Colfax Ave


8315 E Colfax Ave
Denver CO

Phone: TBD Office Hours: TBD

About 8315 E Colfax Ave

  • Property Type: Family
  • Units: 83

Mercy Housing is proud to collaborate with the City and County of Denver and Mile High Early Learning (MHEL) for the mixed-use development of 8315 E. Colfax Avenue in Denver, CO. The development will combine affordable apartments with an affordable quality childcare space to offer a community inspired family focused property. The site is uniquely positioned to help influence the future development along the commercial East Colfax Corridor and help stem the displacement in the neighborhood.

This property is still in development and is anticipated to open Fall 2022.

For more information on this new community, visit 8315eastcolfax.org

Amenities and Services

  • New development will provide childcare and educational attainment opportunities to lower-income and underserved families in the East Colfax neighborhood.
  • Ensures permanent affordability of 100% of the apartments built for 99 years.
  • Mercy Housing plans to add to the existing neighborhood fabric with iconic arcihtecture and placemaking features that celebrate the East Colfax corridor's history and culture.
  • Mercy Housing will engage with neighbors on the building design at community meetings in early 2020.

Property Progress

Fund Services