Oct 20A Letter from Jane Graf, President & CEO

Dear Partner in Hope,
If you are homeless and have diabetes, how are you supposed to refrigerate your insulin? If you have an unexpected, expensive medical bill, but only make $7.25 an hour, how are you supposed to pay your rent? If you don’t have a car, work two jobs, and can’t afford a place near public transportation, how are you supposed to get your children to their wellness visits when the doctor’s office is open?
The above questions are just a few examples of how health and housing influence each other. Problems in housing can lead to problems in health, and vice versa. At Mercy Housing, we recognize that in order to break the cycle of poverty, people must not only have a home, they must also have the tools they need to manage their health.
To help people living at many Mercy Housing properties manage their health, we offer a range of health and wellness services. Fitness classes invigorate the body and mind. Cooking classes teach how to shop for and prepare healthy meals. Free health screenings help residents manage their health. And in many of our communities, Mercy Housing staff help residents sign up for health insurance. These, and other services, are all offered on-site.
We invite you to read how we are working to address the needs (health and otherwise) of the people who live in Mercy Housing communities in these pages. We are thankful to have you as a partner in our quest to create stable, healthy, and vibrant communities!
Live in Hope!
Jane Graf
President & CEO
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