Jul 26Resident Services Survey Shows Health Gains for Mercy Housing Mountain Plains Residents
Every year, Mercy Housing surveys its residents to analyze trends related to health insurance and health care utilization, health-related behaviors, overall health, and emotional well being. In 2015, the Annual Resident Survey included 165 Mercy Housing properties offering resident services across Mercy Housing’s five Geographic Business Centers (GBCs). Results help us refine and improve the services we provide to our residents to better meet their needs.
Our most recent survey showed some encouraging health gains for Mercy Housing residents living in the Mountain Plains.
- 45 percent of people who reported not having a primary care physician in 2014 obtained one in 2015.
- 95 percent of respondents had health insurance, up four percent from 2014.
- 63 percent of respondents reported exercising 30 minutes or more on a typical day, up from 55 percent in 2014.
- From 2014 to 2015, there was an 11 percent increase in the number of adults who reported exercising three or more days per week.
- Among people who received mental health services, those who had two to 10 visits reported having seven poor mental health days per month. For people who had more than 10 visits, the number of mental health days per month dropped to four.
At Mercy Housing, we know that in order to break the cycle of poverty, people need a home and the tools to manage their health. To help Mercy Housing residents lead healthier lives, we offer a range of health and wellness services. Fitness classes invigorate the body and mind. Cooking classes teach how to shop and prepare healthy meals. Free health screenings help residents manage their health. And at many of our properties, Mercy Housing staff help residents sign up for health insurance. These and other services are all offered on site.
To learn more about the Resident Services we provide, visit www.mercyhousing.org/ResidentServices.
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