Dec 08Stability in a Time of Uncertainty
In this post-election period, our country is in a time of great uncertainty.
As we reflect upon the election and its aftermath, we reaffirm our commitment to all the people we serve. We provide housing and services for people with limited income, for immigrants, for people of every race, ethnicity, and cultural background, for the LGBTQ community and for all vulnerable people.
We are hearing from the residents who live at Mercy Housing properties, especially those who are immigrants and refugees. The level of incivility, hatred and discord has stirred many feelings of fear.
Mercy Housing Northwest was created nearly 25 years ago by women’s religious communities. We felt it is timely to reiterate our Core Values:

We face considerable uncertainty about the status and future of some of our most vulnerable neighbors. We know that together, we are a strong, stable and resilient community.
These have been our Values since our founding. No matter the political landscape, we have and will continue to do our work grounded in Respect, Justice, and Mercy. We are grateful for supporters and donors who make it possible to provide stability and affirmation for those in need.
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