Feb 15Meet the gym owner who volunteered his time to help seniors in his community

We are consistently delighted by the many different talents that volunteers bring to Mercy Housing communities.
Coe Kirby, for instance, uses his special expertise as a certified senior trainer to help residents living at Page Commons in Phoenix, Arizona. For more than a year, Coe has been coming to Page Commons to lead group exercises designed specifically for the senior residents; as the owner of Miracles of Phoenix Fitness gym, Coe has a lot of experience helping people reach their health and wellness goals.
We recently honored Coe for his service with a plaque thanking him for all that he has done.

“I am humbled by the kind words and do not do this for recognition,” he said. “More and more research is showing the importance of strength training for seniors. Being stronger impacts every area of the body and helps to maintain an individual’s confidence, cognitive functioning, and overall well-being. It is my passion to help others learn how to do that. I am thankful I can serve.”
“Coe Kirby is a wonderful example of how one person can make a big difference,” said Glenn Whitaker, Resident Services Coordinator at Page Commons. “He has helped our community by teaching residents the benefits of exercise and healthy eating, and he embodies what Mercy Housing’s mission is all about.”
If you are interested in volunteering, please send Mercy Housing an email with “Volunteer” in the subject line to info@mercyhousing.org. In the body of the email, please let us know in what city and state you would like to volunteer.
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