Apr 17Gilbert Community – Supporting Page Commons
The Town of Gilbert, through its nonprofit funding process, has supported Resident Services at Page Commons with annual grant funding since 2015. In addition to funding, they continue to connect Mercy Housing to resources in the community, local drives, and community volunteers.
In 2017, members of the Mayor’s Council and the Department of Directors for the Town of Gilbert donated $200 in materials and helped rehab the garden boxes for the Page Commons community garden. This donation helps to support continued use for residents and their healthy eating program.
Students at Desert Hills High School, a local school, have recently started volunteering at Page Commons. Their choir has come to perform, and students come for art, games, and other activities with residents on an ongoing basis. These activities help to build intergenerational engagement, reducing isolation and providing opportunities to learn from one another.
The Gilbert Chamber of Commerce is another very generous supporter of the Mercy Housing Southwest region. For the last 10 years, around the holidays, the Chamber puts on the “Adopt A Senior Program” which benefits Gilbert residents living at Page Commons. Through the Chamber, resident wish lists for holiday gifts and items of need are fulfilled, with gifts delivered at an annual community breakfast – also sponsored by the Chamber. In 2018, the Chamber adopted 72 residents, bringing joy and hope around the holidays.
More recently, the Chamber has been instrumental in getting the word out within the community about the upcoming Page Commons Senior Prom. This year’s theme “A Hollywood Affair” will have activities all night long that includes a red-carpet welcome, catered dinner, formalwear, awards ceremony, and lots of dancing.
Glenn, the Resident Services Coordinator at Page Commons, has been coordinating the event and is excited for the fun night. It takes an enormous amount of coordination, and he’s thrilled to have support from throughout the community.
“Volunteers have come from all over the community. We also have individuals, churches, and various groups that volunteer. We are really blessed.”
Dinner will be provided by Aloha Kitchen, a local restaurant that specializes in Hawaiian-style cuisine. The Cinderella Affair will outfit residents in formal wear at no cost, so they look and feel their best for the big event. And countless other volunteers from around the Gilbert community will join together to make this night so memorable.
Because of these individuals, groups, and businesses who have donated their time and talents, Page Commons has been able to maintain important services that continue to make an impact in the lives of residents. These events, along with countless others, help enrich each personal experience and create lasting memories for all involved.
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