Jul 18Saving Money and Natural Resources
Green Hope is Mercy Housing’s environmental sustainability program. The program not only reduces our natural resource consumption, it’s setting a green building precedent for affordable housing. By reducing consumption, we’re creating healthier living environments for residents and our neighbors. Green Hope guides us in all aspects of operations, from designing, building, and rehabilitating properties, to office practices, property operations, and resident services. Green Hope is good for the planet, and it’s also proving to be really good for our bottom line as well.

BIG Savings
In 2018, Green Hope supported 37 properties, using $1.2 million of rebates to fund projects that help save an estimated $120,000 per year. The total amount saved from Green Hope projects since 2013 is staggering—$2.44 million. We share our savings not to brag, but to illustrate a lesson we’ve learned and that we must learn collectively—sustainability is a must, not a luxury. Mercy Housing and all our partners want to see these sustainable practices replicated at scale. That means more affordable homes that are serving communities for the long run. With a little creativity and the right partnerships, it saves money too.

Green Hope’s Goals
- Reduce energy consumption
- Reduce water consumption
- Reduce paper consumption
- Increase purchase of items with recycled content
- Reduce waste generation
- Decrease hazardous chemical product use
- Pursue certification on 100% of new developments and major rehabilitations

Building Hope With Responsibility
Mercy Housing believes it is our duty and responsibility to incorporate environmental stewardship principles into all areas of our work. Looking to 2019, Green Hope is planning to implement projects at about 80 properties, addressing everything from energy efficiency to water conservation to community solar. More updates are coming soon!
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