Aug 26Your Support Means the world to veterans. Thank you.
After serving in the Navy for five years, Michael returned home to complete his education, earning a master’s degree and an MBA. Unfortunately, his graduation coincided with the Great Recession, and like many Americans, Michael struggled to find a job. During this time, a dear friend died in a tragic helicopter accident. “Those couple things combined, really sent me on a downward spiral,” Michael explains, which resulted in him entering an inpatient treatment program through the VA. When he left the hospital, Michael was able to move into a Mercy Housing Lakefront apartment. “It’s exactly what I need and has allowed me to be right near my treatment team and care. It worked well on so many levels.” Michael has a great deal to say about how his home and the support he received helped him. “Everybody was helpful all the way along with me. I’m in a really good place.” Thanks again for your support and know that you’ve changed a hero’s life with a home full of hope!
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