Jan 233 Ways To Escape Homelessness… With a Cellphone?
A phone and access to the internet are crucial for escaping homelessness. Cellphones alone can’t s0lve poverty in the U.S., but they can help someone experiencing homelessness get the services they need to improve their lives. Here are three ways a cellphone can help someone that doesn’t have a home:
1. Shelter Updates
Many homeless shelters post updates about openings and other essential info on their websites and social media pages. HUD reports that on average, over 194,000 people go unsheltered every year.
*source: The U.S. Dept. of HUD
2. Find Housing
Mercy Housing and other affordable housing organizations enjoy reaching out to contact people when we have an opening for a home. Oftentimes email or call is the only option to get in touch — a cellphone is essential for that. The National Low Income Housing Coalition reports that not one U.S. state has an adequate supply of affordable housing, so people don’t want to miss their opportunities when a vacancy comes up.
*source: NLIHC
3. Improve Mental Health
With 564,708 people experiencing homelessness on any given night, an estimated 25% are seriously mentally ill, and 45% have some kind of mental illness. For many people, the first step to improving mental health is getting help — calling or emailing service providers or family.
*source: The U.S. Dept. of HUD
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