Jul 21Mercy Housing California’s 1801 West Capitol Celebrated as West Sacramento’s First Permanent Supportive Housing Community
CONTACT: Rosalyn Sternberg, rosalyn.sternberg@mercyhousing.org
WEST SACRAMENTO: Residents, partners, and Mercy Housing California (MHC) staff gathered on Wednesday, July 20, 2022, to celebrate the dedication of 1801 West Capitol, a permanent supportive housing community including 85 affordable, service-enriched homes for people exiting homelessness.
“These new homes demonstrate what happens when local government leaders have a strong vision for addressing homelessness and partner with Mercy Housing to make it happen,” said MHC President Doug Shoemaker.
This new residence is the first permanent supportive housing development in the city of West Sacramento – a landmark achievement for the City, Yolo County, MHC, and the many other partners who contributed time and resources.
“This permanent supportive housing community is a key addition to our network of options which provide services and continued care for unhoused individuals in our City,” said West Sacramento Mayor Martha Guerrero. “Already, we’ve had great success through our Community Outreach and Support Division, the City’s work-readiness Downtown Streets Team, and our Homekey Program, which has provided interim supportive housing to more than 100 homeless residents. This new facility allows 85 formerly homeless families and individuals to experience stable housing and maximize self-sufficiency.”
“I am pleased that Yolo County had the foresight to financially invest in providing a range of critical wrap-around services essential to the residents to help them navigate the process of self-sufficiency, achieve stability, and enable their confidence and self-worth to remerge. The first step of this transformative process is providing a safe space to reside,” said Yolo County Supervisor Oscar Villegas.
“Yolo County Housing Authority is pleased to be a key partner in this much-needed new West Sacramento housing opportunity for low-income families,” said Gary Sandy, Chair of the Yolo County Housing Authority Commission. “With the completion of the build, the Housing Authority provided 75 vouchers to the new residents, assuring a stable funding subsidy to the project for the next 20+ years and allowing individuals – some for the first time in many years – to live in new, safe, decent and affordable housing.”
The 85-home community includes a large, landscaped courtyard, a community room, and meeting spaces. All residents will have access to free, onsite case management provided by Telecare and CommuniCare, as well as social activities and resident services provided by Mercy Housing. The community was designed by Vrilakas Groen Architects and built by Tricorp Group.
“Bank of America is proud to help finance this exciting new community in West Sacramento that will truly transform the lives of its residents through service-rich resources offered by key community partners. This public-private approach led by Mercy Housing to address housing affordability and access can be a model for more permanent supportive housing in the region,” said CP Parmar, Bank of America Sacramento President.
Funding for 1801 West Capitol was provided by Bank of America, the California Department of Housing and Community Development, the City of West Sacramento, the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee, Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco, Yolo County Housing, and Dignity Health.
Watch the livestream video of the dedication event.
Take a tour of 1801 West Capitol
View photos of 1801 West Capitol.
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