In The News
Bridging the Digital Divide:...
Through the federal government’s Broadband Technology Opportunities Program stimulus grant, One Economy, an organization that connects under-served communities to technology, has provided free broadband installation and 3 years of free broadband access at 6 Mercy Housing properties. One Economy hired and paid monthly stipends to a resident trained in technology support to provide technical assistance
Read MoreIn our own backyard
A message from Mercy Housing CEO, Sister Lillian Murphy, RSM Throughout the years, I have met thousands of people in need – and more importantly thousands of people whose lives have been changed because of stable, quality affordable housing. At Mercy Housing, we believe that housing is a means to an end. Not having a
Read MoreTenant Leadership Project making...
Tanya Hamilton, a resident of Mercy Housing’s Harold and Margot Schiff Residences, can now return safely home from the grocery store in her wheelchair. This has not always been the case. Previously, cars would challenge residents who tried to cross the road with 40 mile per hour speeds and no stop light in sight. Tanya’s
Read MoreFederal foreclosure funds trickling...
Source: Chicago Tribune Torrey Warship had never owned a home — until the mortgage foreclosure crisis. Through a federal program to renovate foreclosed homes, the 34-year-old public works laborer bought his first house in Waukegan for $138,000. He moved his family out of an apartment and into a two-story, two-bedroom, 2 1/2-bath home in a
Read MoreTake action with Mercy Housing...
Mercy Housing supports the following three Housing and Community Development provisions of the Baucus Tax Extenders Bill (S. 3793) and urges Congress to pass this important, home creating and job saving bill in the 2010 Lame Duck Session. We ask you to take action with us. Reach out to your Senators and stress the importance
Read MoreCloseup of the Aromor Apartments...
Source: 850 KOA As part of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, 850 KOA Radio took the time to profile a few residents and their stories at Mercy Housing Colorado’s Aromor Apartments in Denver. Listen to the segment here.
Read MoreLive in Hope Campaign
Mercy Housing created the Live In Hope Campaign to help fulfill our mission of creating stable, vibrant and healthy communities for families, seniors and people with special needs who lack the economic resources to access quality, safe housing opportunities. The goal of the Live in Hope Campaign is to raise $60,000 for afterschool programming and
Read MoreResident Spotlight: Vanessa...
After eight months of searching for an apartment, Vanessa received a phone call from Mercy Housing’s Decatur Place Apartments in Denver.
Read MoreAdvocating for affordable housing...
Throughout the nation, Mercy Housing is taking action to raise awareness about the ever-growing need for quality affordable multifamily rental housing and stabilized communities.
Read MoreMercy Housing Testifies at CRA...
On July 19, Mercy Housing Senior Vice President of Community Impact and Investment Julie Gould shared testimony at the first of four public hearings regarding the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The hearings were held across the country to receive public comments and opinions on whether and how regulations should be revised to better serve the
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